
No amount of instruction or expertise can eliminate the inherent hazards of climbing mountains, rock, or ice. Climb On Equipment encourages all visitors of this site, and users of its products, to seek proper instruction from a qualified guide or instructional facility before climbing.

We also encourage to call attention anything you perceive as unsafe (no matter who it involves), and learn from the situation when taking a course. Owning your journey is the only way you can grow and develop as individuals.

Safety Philosophy: Climbing is an inherently dangerous activity. We emphasize personal responsibility.

Proper use of gear supplied by Climb On Equipment is the responsibility of the user. Climb On Equipment and all its partners will not accept responsibility for damages, injury, or death resulting from misuse of any equipment purchased through our retail store or online store. You are ultimately responsible for your own actions and decisions.

Please learn the proper use of climbing equipment purchased from Climb On Equipment and understand its limitations. Inspect equipment purchased from Climb On Equipment before each use and destroy any gear that is damaged, worn, or does not pass thorough frequent inspections.

When using climbing gear, purchased from Climb On Equipment, you accept full responsibility for your safety, as well as the safety of others around you. You are personally responsible for learning the proper techniques and good judgment necessary for proper use of climbing gear purchased from Climb On Equipment. Reading and understanding any product information provided by the manufacturers represented by Climb On Equipment IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE for qualified personal instruction and guidance.

Last update: Aug 24, 2022